February - finalising plans

Contemplating moving on! We started February making very "loose" plans for our cruising - subjected to changes with weather and circumstances, of course! At the moment we hope to leave the Gold Coast before mid March, be in the Great Sandy Straits before mid April and arrive at the Keppels before mid May...fingers crossed it all goes to plan! In the meantime we are making a few changes to enhance our cruising experiences and the boat in general. While "Liberty" came with all manner of improvements ( transom that raises and lowers at the push of a button allowing us to launch and retrieve the dinghy easily, yacht controller to make docking, anchoring and picking up a mooring simple, satellite for television viewing - and checking the all important weather - from anywhere, cell phone booster for better offshore phone coverage, water maker to increase fresh water supplies, etc, etc, etc) there are still extra things we want to do. The big one was the install...