The final stretch for 2024

The month of October was a busy one for us; we left Liberty tied up in Hervey Bay on the 1st of the month and flew to Melbourne, ready to take possession of our new inner city “digs” and unpack all our belongings, which had been in storage for over twelve months! Fortunately, the move in went very smoothly and we enjoyed a lovely couple of weeks getting ourselves organised. Then, on 16th of October, we welcomed another granddaughter to the family: Matilda Louise O’Connell, the first daughter for Chris and Amy and a lovely sister for Jack and George. On the following Saturday, accompanied by “assistant first mate” Ian, the captain flew back to Hervey Bay to prepare the boat for its final passage home. It was windy as the two sailors flew into Hervey Bay and several of the tourist boats had opted not to operate that day. The captain was keen to move, however, and the next morning they untied the lines and headed down the Great Sandy Straits, timing their arrival at the shallowest section...